Closure Guideline

Business improvement



Effective and sustainable closure of existing assets is becoming a pressing concern across industries. Our client identified a need to develop a document to guide closure designs, to assess closure performance and subsequently enable mitigation or additional assurance when required. The guideline is to include a comprehensive list of closure performance targets written in a format that meets SMART target guidance. The guideline emphasis is on the importance of chemical, ecological and social risk management.


  • Design a 2-week collaboration campaign involving three short, high impact, interactive virtual sessions
  • Create targeted communications to engage participants within the campaign
  • Facilitate session to provide context and identify possible targets (1 hour)
  • Facilitate session to validate and define target (2 hours)
  • Facilitate session to align the group, confirm targets and next steps (1 hour)


  • The collaboration campaign harnessed the collective knowledge of 15 people.
  • Participants identified over 70 possible targets which were grouped into 21 themes.
  • The themes were then prioritised to focus the guideline on 14 most critical targets.
  • Each critical target was expanded using the SMART methodology and assigned the owner, metric detail, and source of data.
  • The alignment session captured 40 comments that refined and confirmed the targets and established agreed next steps.

With the move to Webex for meetings, I could see engagement dive in large groups. People stopped contributing in groups greater than 5, there would be one dominate voice – then silence. I needed to organise a collaboration of 20 technical experts across the country. I was asking them to do work beyond their job and travel restrictions were in place – it had to be virtual. I wasn’t confident. By designing a bespoke virtual program, we achieved success beyond my expectations. We ended up with a quality collaboratively built product, with sign-off from technical experts and management.

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