9 ways to make the most of your virtual/online meetings and workshops.

Meeting online/ virtually is an opportunity to use digital tools to enhance your team’s collaboration and increase productivity. A team who actively engages in the virtual world can achieve amazing outcomes personally and for their team. It also allows you to bring together the best and most diverse team despite their geography.


  • Use infinite canvasses like a Miroboard to create a workboard from big picture thinking to detailed delivery.
  • Engage participants in introductory or pre-work tasks to ensure a quick, efficient start to the workshop/meeting.
  • Guide collaboration strategically by creating tasks that require both visual and verbal responses from all.
  • Design groupings in advance to include size, expertise and group dynamics. This is strategic and efficient.
  • Use interactive tools like sticky notes, voting, colour coding, thumbs up and cartoons to engage people.
  • Harness the power of incubation by encouraging contributions to the board between meetings.
  • Use session pre-work and post-work to help people see the digital journey.
  • Make sessions short and intense to keep people fully engaged, ‘on task’ and working.
  • Ensure sessions are exceptional so people come back for more and tell their friends.
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