Collaboration in a Digital World


The purpose of this book is to assist you in this important transition in order to produce more successful outcomes. The book shares the results of my investigation into why we collaborate, and the threats and rewards faced by collaborators. At its core was research involving conversations with more than 50 people from across 17 industry sectors.

Part 1 is designed to provide an opportunity to reflect on other people’s collaboration stories to see how similar we are as we desire to connect and contribute. Part 1 documents the experiences of these collaborators and has been organised into the collaboration DNA. Over 80 collaboration stories are shared and grouped into five key themes, describing why we collaborate, for example; it’s a law of nature, it makes us feel good, its powered by people, it’s through interactions, we produce outcomes.

Part 2 is to outline how to collaborate in the future discussing the new era of collaboration, collaboration campaigns, mantras, essentials, interactions, timeline and threat, rewards and obstacles to collaboration. Each topic is supported with practical tools and techniques to help you make the transition to becoming an effective leader and collaborator.

Part 3 is to provide an approach to defining what we want to collaborate on, discussing collaboration scope, success, delivery model, scenarios, and overall framework. Each topic is supported with practical tools and techniques to help you make the transition to becoming an effective leader and collaborator. Just remember, collaborating in the future is not as hard as you think.

Includes over 250 bonus resources to download and use!

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